Ordinance No. 2024-04
BE IT ORDAINED by the President and the Board of Trustees, as follows:
SECTION 1. Business, museums, and other organizations within the Village limits shall be allowed to have one (1) sign for historical designation as described in Part A; one (1) sign as allowed and described in Part B; and one (1) additional sign designating hours of operation as described in Part C.
A. One sign to be used for historic designation shall be post mounted and shall adhere to the following guidelines:
Sign: 18” high and 24” wide
Post: 4” x 4” unpainted wood
Bracket: inverted hotel bracket design
Colors: Background – stucco
Letters – brick
Seal – lighter brick shade
Wood Piece – redwood or red cedar, if redwood is unavailable
Bracket – natural tung oil or beeswax finish, not to be painted
Wording: Headline to state original use of the building
2nd line – date of construction
3rd line – present use of the building
4th line – open or closed to the public; hours; or private residence/closed to the public
Placement: The sign shall be hung at 60 inches. If there is no adjacent property to place the sign post on, the sign may be wall hung. It shall be hung so that it clears the ground by 7’6”.
B. One sign per business, museum, or organization shall be building mounted and shall adhere to the following general guidelines:
Size: This will be determined by the Zoning Officer in concurrence with the Zoning President and the Zoning Board. In the case of a dispute, the Zoning Officer will present the findings to the Village Board who will make the final decision.
Placement: If a sign is single-sided, it must be mounted flush against the building. If sign is double-sided, it may be post mounted at 60”. A double-sided sign may be hung, clearing the ground by 7’ 6”, if over a walkway, utilizing a bracket similar to the inverted hotel bracket design. The maximum height of the sign shall be no more than 15’. There is no minimum height requirement.
Restrictions: The sign may NOT be electrical or back lighted. It must be color coordinated with the building.
C. An additional sign designating hours of business is allowed. The sign shall be no larger than four (4) square feet.
SECTION 2. Portable signs are permitted in the cases of those pertaining to real estate, municipal utilities or entities. (Portable signs are defined as those which are not permanently attached.) The use of other portable signs shall be restricted as follows:
A. Banners for special events may be posted only 30 days prior to the event. Banners shall be limited to an area of 32 square feet.
B. Signs may not be posted on village property. They may be posted only on those properties to which they pertain.
C. Signs must be removed within one week after the termination of the event to which they pertain.
D. One portable sign providing direction or business hours is permissible. This sign may be one or two-sided and may not exceed eight square feet per side. These portable signs must be taken down at night.
SECTION 3. The following amounts are set as fees and penalties in the enforcement of this ordinance:
A. A fee of one dollar ($1) shall accompany each application for permission to mount a portable sign. Application shall be made to the Bishop Hill Zoning Officer.
B. A penalty of five dollars ($5) shall be charged for violation of this ordinance and for each day the violation continues.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage.
SECTION 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed.